RO2/RS Fullscreen window mode?

Hello there guys!

Does anyone have any idea how to / is it possible to get RO2 into fullscreen windowed mode. Especially as i'm running 2 monitors, having the game on fullscreen windowed mode would be a blessing.



  • Find game in steam library, right-click and hit properties. Go to "Set Launch Options" and add "-windowed -noborder" without the quotes.

  • I'm not sure if this will work for RS, but if you are in windowed mode, Left Alt + Enter will switch between Fullscreen and Windowed for all applications.

  • @Pvt. Hauser, that will put the game into windowed mode, as in taking up only a portion of the screen. What I meant by fullscreen windowed mode is that the game takes up the whole screen, yet allows you to easily tab out and in again and click other things on my 2nd monitor without the game minimising itself, resulting in a very slow tab back into the game as RO2 is notoriously crashy when alt tabbing

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