1713th Training Platoon

Congratulations to the 1713th Training Platoon.

You have successfully completed the Lighthouse Corps Basic Combat Training Program. You’ve come this far, so remember to stay active.

Your squad leader will contact you all shortly via PM. Best of luck to you and we hope to see you around!

Learn how things work in the 29th by reading the 29th Wiki

Private Javier J. Centeno

  • Assignment: Fox Company, First Platoon, First Squad (FP1S1)
  • Awards: 29th ID Shoulder Patch, American Defense Service Medal, Squad Unit Participation Ribbon

Private Nicholas H. Coleman

  • Assignment: Easy Company, Third Platoon, Third Squad (EP3S3)
  • Awards: 29th ID Shoulder Patch, American Defense Service Medal, Squad Unit Participation Ribbon

Private John L. Georgvich

  • Assignment: Easy Company, Third Platoon, Second Squad (EP3S2)
  • Awards: 29th ID Shoulder Patch, American Defense Service Medal, Squad Unit Participation Ribbon

Excited to be part of the community and look forward to getting know you guys. I have a lot to learn, and hope that I will be able to enhance my skills with you guys.

Twenty nine, let’s go!

As Private Coleman mentioned, excited to be a part of the 29th ID. It’s been a long time since I was part of a proper unit, and I’m looking forward to taking part in the community, getting to know everyone, and helping to bring Third Platoon, Second Squad (and the 29th as a whole) to the top!