Five Years of Service (Matt Shields)

Sgt. McArdle said:

Where do I begin when describing T/5 Shields’s time in the unit? I’ll start with the fact that he was an excellent ASL during the early days of EP3 shaping the future of EP3S1. This is when I first met T/5 Shields and I could tell from day one that he was dedicated to whatever job he was given in the unit. In his first year in the unit, he quickly picked up the Grenadier and hit the ground running with that AIT. Ever since picking up the GL, T/5 Shields found his happy place in the unit where he could spend countless hours practicing to get better. Arguably, it can be said that T/5 Shields is the best Grenadier in 2nd Battalion and maybe in the 29th as a whole. He has even been responsible for success in scrims and competitions like BBOTS just because of his skill with handling grenades. It is no surprise then that everyone looks to him for advice and strategy revolving around the GL. All of this has taken a great time and commitment. T/5 Shields, it’s my pleasure to award you with your 10th AoCC! Maybe we will be here when you get your 20th.
