Two Years of Service (Dominic Wells)

Sgt. Hanley said:

PFC D. Wells has been an integral member of his squad, platoon, and company, as well as the entire 29th ID as a whole, for a long time. Over the course of his career, PFC D. Wells has made a name for himself through frequently guesting his fellow company members’ drills, hitting his deadly shots far and consistently with his RPG and Grenade Launcher, and even revolutionizing the M79 buckshot ammo to become able to clear rooms effectively as a light if needed. PFC D. Wells has also gone above and beyond not only in his enlisted squad member duties, but has also become branched out to help others during clinics, as a drill instructor for BCT, and other opportunities to help in which he frequently volunteers. PFC D. Wells should not only be celebrated for his achievements thus far, and huge commitment that helps keep the unit running smoothly and better, but should only be encouraged to keep up the good work and continue onwards to the most desired “Double-Rainbow Club”.