Award (Matheus H. Bee)

Cpl. Mud Said:

PFC Bee came to us as a solid rifleman and private that proved to us that he can hold his own against experienced peers. Because of his solid playstyle, a lot of AITs would have been open to him. However, when it came to picking an AIT, CE was the only one available to grab other than crewman in 3S4. Luckily for us, not only is PFC Bee uniquely qualified for it, but he was also extremely pleased to be able to jump into this new role. Hours and hours of playtime in RS1/RO2 got him comfortable using mortars which goes hand in hand with rifle grenades. I also saw his patient playstyle while tank hunting in RO2 using the AT grenades and satchels. Although we have different equipment for RS2, it has carried over with how he uses his RPG and M79. Waiting for the right moment to drop a killer explosion on someone is his forte. If there is an on live shot that is possible, PFC Bee will find it, and when he is on the other team, I am afraid. Congratulations PFC Bee on your CE Marksmanship Badge, I hope to see much more explosive death from you!

Congrats PFC Bee! Well deserved!