One Year and Six Months of Service (Cristopher R. Laux)

Cpl. McArdle said:

PFC Laux and I go way back to the good old days of EP2S3 where he first picked up the automatic rifle. That was several years ago, but we find ourselves in the same situation from back then. Once PFC Laux reenlisted he was assigned to FP2S1 where the new squad had an AR deficit. He was quick to pick up the AR again, and he immediately started to freshen up his skills. Ever since joining FP2S1, he has maintained the incredible skills that he had previously. He has truly become a huge keystone within the squad. I don’t know where the squad or I would be without him. With that being said, I’m glad to finally reward PFC Laux with his 3rd AoCC. Congratulations PFC! I can’t wait to see you get that rainbow!