Award (Dainius Valiūnas)

T/5 Valiūnas has been the Platoon Clerk of DP1 for just over a year at this point, his transition to being our clerk, was seamless, given his already intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the 29th and unflappable attitude this didn’t come as a surprise, but was very welcome and in turn meant that there was no disruption to the Platoon whatsoever during this time.

He, as with many of our clerks, has a razor sharp and methodical approach to his work, and where he see’s opportunities for improvements, be it to improve efficiency or re work a process, he makes them, he does this without fuss, without having to be asked, or looking for recognition.

In addition to this, all of his regular clerking duties, are carried out on time, without fuss, correctly. He led our transition to the new forums, meaning we were up and running from the word go, and In a 12 month period where nearly all the current leadership within DP1 are new to their posts, he has trained, inducted and supported them all in how to use the forums.

DP1 wouldn’t be the same without him, his efficiency, integrity, accountability and pride in his work, are an example to us all, and I would like to recognize him for this and more with the award of an Armed Forces Service Medal.


Congrats Vali, very cool :wink: !

Well deserved, congratulations T/5 Valiūnas!

Thanks for all your hard work this past year Vali!