Eight Years and Six Months of Service (Jasper A. Kal)

1Lt. Nelson said:

Sgt. Kal is part of the old-breed; rough, grizzled and still full of fight. This guy has been around since the darkest of hours (2011 to be specific), only taking a brief hiatus in 2015 - Sadly we were in different companies back then, so we never crossed paths till recently. Throughout his tenure, he has thoroughly proven himself as a vital asset to the operation of his Platoon, and a fine example of a 29th member all-around. We are grateful that Sgt. Kal has dedicated so much of his time to the unit, and congratulate him on his 17th AOCC. Congrats, Sergeant! Let’s see seventeen more!

Congratulations Sergeant!
Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Congrats, its been an honor being in S3 while you lead