Eight Years and Six Months of Service (Lars Burg)

Cpl Tan said:

“CP2S1 is not CP2S1 without the sergeant. Along with the likes of John Basilone and Animal Mother from Full Metal Jacket, Burg is one of the finest autoriflemen Charlie is proud to have produced. In one point defence, when his position was compromised, t/4 burg barehanded the searing barrel of his M240 without hesitation and continued storming buildings and hipfiring, killing an unsuspecting wave of enemies and burning his hands in the process. T/4 Burg has not only dedicated his soldiery but his clerical skills to the 29th, being one of the most senior and respected clerks that hold the 29th together. Today we award him a astounding Seven Years and Six Months of service and 17th AOCC. Congratulations T/4”

Congratulations T/4
You old bugger!

Seven Years!
That’s awesome T/4! Congratulations!

Right on!
Congratulations T/4 Brrrgy!!!
Lucky Seven…

Congratulations T/4 Burg!

You legend