2Lt. Dawdy said:
It’s a bit strange realizing that Sgt. Capwell is only now receiving his coveted double rainbow. Especially when you look at the work and contributions he has put forth towards our community here in the 29th. An outstanding squad leader who enables and upholds his subordinates to a high level, while also leading by example by involving himself in the community both inside and outside of drills. In recent memory, he has distinguished himself in Lighthouse by earning the prestigious DI Badge award; signifying his long tenure in mold the future recruits and members of the unit. He has also earned his third chevron, displaying and solidifying him as a veteran member of leadership that has proven his worth through the mantle of leadership. I’m very fortunate to have Sgt. Capwell as part of my leadership cadre and I look forward to seeing his continued contributions towards our community. As always “Stick Around ” - Alan “Dutch” Schaefer.