General Discharge (Nick J. Collins)

ARPC-OPM-ODATE: 8. October 2021


U.S. Army 29th Infantry Division, ATTN: AHRC-OP-S, 1 Reserve Way

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

SUBJECT: Unqualified Resignation

1.I hereby tender my unqualified resignation as an Enlisted Soldier in the

United States Army under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section III,

AR 135-175.

2.I understand that if my resignation is accepted I am entitled to a

General separation and will be furnished a General Discharge

Certificate. I understand that I cannot resign if I am a statutory obligor.

Nick J. Collins
Nick J. Collins
Name (Type or Print)
Private Rifleman Easy Company, First Platoon, Third Squad
Rank Position Platoon/Squad
"Really enjoyed my time with the 29th, unfortunately I have to leave for now as im unable to reliably attend drills due to real life stuff. Will hopefully see you all again in the near future."
Reason for leaving

Commander Signature
8. October 2021