Honorable Discharge (Claude H. Garrett)



This is to certify that

Claude H. Garrett    T/4    FP1S3

was Honorably Discharged from the


on the 13th day of January 2025. This certificate is awarded

as a testimonial of Honest and Faithful Service

ARPC-OPM-ODATE: 13 January 2025


U.S. Army 29th Infantry Division, ATTN: AHRC-OP-S, 1 Reserve Way

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

SUBJECT: Unqualified Resignation

1.I hereby tender my unqualified resignation as an Enlisted Soldier in the

United States Army under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section III,

AR 135-175.

2.I understand that if my resignation is accepted I am entitled to an

honorable separation and will be furnished an Honorable Discharge

Certificate. I understand that I cannot resign if I am a statutory obligor.

Claude H. Garrett
Name (Type or Print)
Technician, 4th GradeRifleman Fox Company, First Platoon, Third Squad
Rank Position Platoon/Squad

Over my nine years in the unit, there were plenty of hellos and goodbyes as people came into the unit and left. However, I almost never thought that it would be time to say goodbye myself. Typing this up feels a bit surreal after such a time, but I finally have to write “the quote.” In nearly a decade spanning two different games, I was able to meet countless people that I am proud to call friends while also growing as an individual. While I am also proud of some of my more technical achievements, I want to focus on saying thank you to those that made the unit a welcoming and comfortable place for me over all of those years. I have to first thank my cousin, PFC Garrett, for introducing me to the unit so long ago. From there, I have to thank the entirety of BP3 for accepting me into their ranks at the beginning. After that, things started to get interesting as I ventured into leadership. Some of the most enjoyable moments in the 29th occurred in a little squad called EP2S4, where I started off as a CE under (then) Sgt. Dethfield. Eventually, I stepped up as ASL under then Sgt. Sutera, where things really got wild. I’d like to thank Sgt. Guyette, Cpl. Formosa, T/5 Caesar, and PFC Pasqua specifically, but everyone in that squad made it memorable. Sgt. Greene and T/5 Perez come to mind to thank from that time period as well.

Later on, I became the squad leader for EP4S3 (now FP1S3) after prying it from SSgt. Newton’s clutches, which is what I really consider to be my home in the 29th. I served as the squad leader for just under 3 years, where I met Cpl. Sigal, Cpl. Merrill, PFC Abruzzino, T/5 Sarsfield, T/5 Maciel, PFC Russell, PFC Winn, the infamous PFC Boots, T/4 Albers, and Cpl. Formosa again. Eventually, I stepped down from leadership, and it now exists under Cpl. Steinbeck and Cpl. Leite’s command. Those years in FP1S3 were some of the best, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. We had one hell of a squad when I was SL, and although it has changed, FP1S3 is still a force to be reckoned with. To all of those that I crossed paths with during my time in the unit, thanks for everything. There are simply too many people to call out specifically, but you’ve all contributed to my experience in the unit and that is what kept me around all of these years. I hate to say goodbye for now, but this isn’t necessarily the end.

Thanks for having me,

T/4 Garrett

Reason for leaving

Commander Signature
January 13 2025

I’m happy to say that I have known you for my whole time in the 29th. Thank you so much for everything, and best of luck. You’ll be sorely missed.


Best of luck T/4. We’ll see you back soon, I’m sure!

Ever forward.

Man 2025 is starting off strong losing yet more friends.Good luck and fair winds come back soon boss man

The brief time I was in FP1S3 was an absolute pleasure, and that has a lot to do with the culture grown through your leadership. Even when you stepped down you were always part of the ship. Wishing you the best.

Dang dude! I never thought I’d see the day you’d leave! Its been a long time since our BP3S2 days! I wish you all the best!

I’m speechless

Take care Garrett. Thank you for all the hard work you put in over the years. Best of luck!