Nine Years of Service (Dan Vos)

Sgt. Dott said:

Before us all is TSgt. Vos. I know what you’re thinking: This guy stinks! Why do we even keep him around? What did he even do to earn a promotion? This guy couldn’t command his way out of a paper bag! He’s so annoying I can’t even stomach being next to him! Does he really think he’s funny? He never makes any sense! Really, this guy is who we trust? He makes we want to leave and never come back! Who does this guy think he is? Does he even know how to speak English? I swear this guy smells bad, and this is the internet!..

But rest assured, he’s been around for a long time! And He’s probably going to be here for awhile yet! Congratulations, TSgt. Vos, on 9 years with the 29th. May we never be rid of you!

Need you for another 9 years TSgt! Thank you for your service