Sgt. J. Wright said:
PFC Dimitrov has been one of those lads who hit the ground running, when I first met him in BCT he was quite a quiet fella. Didn’t say much but he was good. He was assigned to EP1S4 and he was a great Pvt. Very much got into the swing of things, when he wasn’t sure about something he would ask, accepting the feedback with earnest interest that he could improve himself. I saw that Dimitrov was special in the sense he had the potential to do great things within the 29th. I got him into ADI work and he excelled there as well, taking on tasks and asking to do more to help. Then he picked up the GL AIT. Once he did that, he went around asking GL’s holders for advice and he became one of the best GL’s in EP1. He then took on the task of joining SLT and he’s been crushing that, he did all the tasks asap, asking tons of questions on how to improve and be a great help to EP1S1, I believe whatever Squad he goes into, they will be lucky to have a leader like Dimitrov, this man has a lot of passion and commitment to the 29th and he dearly loves his fellow soldiers. I am proud to see him finish his SLT. Well done T/5 Dimitrov.
Know Ye, that reposing special trust and
confidence in the fidelity and abilities of
Rosen D. Dimitrov EP1S1 247735854
I do promote him to Technician 5th Grade in the
to rank as such from the 11th day of November 2021.
You are charged to discharge carefully and diligently the duties of the grade to which promoted and to uphold the traditions and standards of the Army.
Effective with this promotion you are charged to execute diligently your special skills with a high degree of technical proficiency and to maintain standards of performance, moral courage and dedication to the Army which will serve as outstanding examples to your fellow soldiers. You are charged to observe and follow the orders and directions given by superiors acting according to the law, articles and rules governing the discipline of the Army. Your unfailing trust in superiors and loyalty to your peers will significantly contribute to the readiness and honor of the United States Army.