Six Years of Service (Matt A. Hamilton)

Cpl. Canales said:

Oh, our Sgt. Hamilton, he’s the kind of guy who’s always pushed us to be better, not just players, but individuals. He’s been with this squad for 6 years, longer than most of us can even remember or longer than most of us being here. He’s been a constant source of guidance and encouragement to me and our guys since day one. Sgt. Hamilton has this knack for knowing exactly when to let us handle things and when to step in, and he does it all with that calm, steady demeanor. But don’t let that fool you, he’s not afraid to throw in a curveball every now and then. Since I’m in EP3S3, we had always had a unique playstyle, which Sgt. Hamilton is one of the main driver, and those moments are what make being in his squad as rewarding as it is entertaining. For me, he’s more than just a squad leader; he’s a mentor, and the glue that holds EP3S3 together. I’m beyond grateful to have him as squad leader, to have known him and to have those post drill talks. I know this squad wouldn’t be the same without his leadership and personality.

Congrats, Sgt! Always a pleasure having you around!
