Three Years and Six Months of Service (Erwan Pirou)

PFC Suárez said:

As PFC Pirou being a Frenchman, he makes honor to the wines coming from France, as older he gets, the better the flavor. Something that makes no justice to him. Although he insists in being rusty, he is as fresh as when I first met him, even getting better as the time passes, 3 years and 6 months are nothing to joke about and something he makes constantly, definitely and old dog that has earned a name, both in the sky and on the ground but most importantly in our minds, a great person and a very incredible magician, able to pull out new tricks each time that has to be on the controls. Forever forward PFC Pirou, and honor to serve with you here!

Congraulations PFC!

Long may Pirou reign as king of the skies, and upon live rockets. . .

Congratulations PFC Pirou!