Sgt Martin said:
It amazes me that it has really been 3 years since this PFC joined us. What can I say he has made a huge impact. He is friendly, funny and a dam good squad mate. When he has been able to attend he really does help to make the difference on the battlefield. He is someone who often can surprise you with the gunplay and approach to RS2. He has been an incredible source of support within any tense exchange and after the round or match, you go away feeling you want this guy in your foxhole. Despite some often long periods of absence due to work scheduling, since being back he is far more enthusiastic, willing to learn and he is far more communicative. He has honed his skills as a very accurate MG often getting 2+ kills in any round. This is why I am pleased to award him his 7th AOCC! Congratulations PFC Diskeyn, you have really showed some excellent progress in the last few years you have been with us! Continue to aim down the sight and let her rip!!