Award (Luke M. Scovel)

Sgt. Zylath said:

For coming up on nearly two years now, T/5 Scovel has been diligently revamping the way Dog Company plays Rising Storm 2. With development of the game ceased by the creators, and very little having changed in our mutators and maps save for occasional new additions of custom maps, there was, at the start of 2021, a general feeling of staleness among many of the enlisted. Scovel got started working on revamping some of the vanilla maps. Adding content such as weapon depots, more helicopters, or just doing general bug fixes. As he developed his skills, he began investigating our mutators. He started small here too, working on streamlining and updating our commands and functions. As he gained more and more experience, he began building his own mutators, adding in types of custom content nobody thought possible, creating the possibility for entirely novel drill scenarios. Scovel has done all of this purely out of his own motivation to improve the experience of Dog Company drills. He has spent countless hours learning how the Unreal Engine works, learning how basic coding functions, simply so that he could bring new and exciting content to us.
Scovel has truly revolutionized the way we play RS2. His assets and mutators have fundamentally changed the landscape when it comes to drill creation. The options open to drill creators, both in terms of content and drill scenarios, are night and day compared to before he started this work. Not only has he done all this work, he has documented it and created useful guides along the way, wrapping all of his work up in a tight, convenient package. If ever somebody deserved to be recognized for excellence in a staff position, it would be T/5 Scovel. And for that excellence, he is earning his Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. Congratulations Scovel; please continue being a bright light in our company and squad.

Well deserved.
T/5 Scovel has brought a lot of life back into the game for all of us.
Thank you!

Congratulations T/5 Scovel, well deserved!
Thanks to you the game has a lot more to offer!


Very well earned T/5!

I haven’t seen a more well-deserved award than this one. Thank you Scovel for all the hard work you’ve put in over the past year making RS2 more exciting and helping those who make drills get some new ideas!

Scovel, you have put us on the path that will guide us in the coming years. Not only that, you are continuing to improve our game and handing out fancy new outfits so we can be even more fabulous on the battlefield.

You did that. Take pride in these and your future accomplishments.

Congrats Scovel!

Well deserved T/5, keep it up.

Good work Scovel!

Absolutely very well deserved. Congrats T/5!

Congrats T/5 Scovel!!! :smiley:

Thank you everyone!