T/4 Garrett said:
Cpl. MacNevin has been a shining star among his peers in the role of Enlistment Liaison. He has stood out in multiple ways that prove that he is aligned with the ultimate goal of the office - provide a professional and efficient experience when enlisting in the unit. He has been seen on multiple occasions watching out for recruits before BCT to see if any of them are unprepared in any way, such as not knowing which server to join, not having TS set up, etc., and helping them prepare for BCT at the last minute. This relieves the BCT staff significantly, and provides them with the largest class size possible. It may not seem like much, but these recruits would have likely given up on BCT if not for the Corporal’s actions. He has also coordinated all of this with his seniors and HQ as necessary to strive to achieve the largest possible classes while respecting the rules of the office. Overall, Cpl. MacNevin has demonstrated that he is one of the most recruit-focused ELs in the office, causing him to stand out and improve the effectiveness of the office as a whole.