Badge (Alex Chang)

Cpl. Nguyen said:

PFC Chang has been more than just a great guy in the squad to hang out with lately. Actually, he’s been more than that since he picked up Rising Storm 2 and joined Dog. Not only has he mastered the submachinegun and the auto rifle, but PFC Chang has also been extremely deadly with the rifle ever since he started to use it exclusively. Except for the times when he plays single-player games too much and totally forgets how FPS works, he destroys people in public servers while also racking up kills left and right in drills. Along with T/5 Simpson, the Able guys of DP2S3 prove to be a menace whenever they work together and snipe enemies from great distances away, clutching many games where defeat was almost certain. May his reign of destruction continues, this time with a cooler badge. Congratulations, PFC Chang.


Congratulations Chang!

Nice job buddy, been waiting a while to see this happen!

Well-deserved for sure! With a non-broken mouse of course