Badge (Connor E. Lord)

TSgt. Bruneau said:

Sgt. Lord started his tenure in the 29th in my squad and I was lucky enough to watch him grow. He began life in the 29th with a tactical knowledge of explosives akin to a rusty tuna can. Luckily he was not one to relegate himself to mediocrity and as such has become significantly better at blowing stuff up. He has proven himself in drill after drill at being a top notch thumper and put these skills to good use in DP3s scrimmage against PHX. As such company HQ has found it fit to award him his sharpshooters badge in combat engineer.

Always good to see a fellow blower of stuff up get shineys!

Congratulations Sgt. Lord!

Congrats Sgt.!

Nice badge! Congrats Sgt.

Very very menacing RPG skills, congrats!