Badge (Emyr M. Pritchard)

Sgt. Jergulson said:

This soldier’s skills with the grenade launcher make him a signficant portion of the firepower his squad can bring to bear. He can always be reliably counted on to neutralize or shift a hostile when called to do so. PFC Pritchard’s consistent adroitness with his AIT mark this the time for him to be awarded the sharp-shooter badge. While not directly related to the badge, I would like to note that he has maintained his skills as a formidable rifleman when shifting to acog mode when circumstances dictate. His overall skill make him a versatile asset that greatly benefits his squad and platoon. Congratulations PFC. Well earned!


Congrats, Pritchard!

Congrats \o/ !!

Well deserved!

Went from little baby GL, testing and asking questions, to becoming rather good now. Well done Pritchard!

Nice. Now blow up some more stuff.

Congratulations, Pritchard!

he’s alright

Please nerf GLs because of that guy…

Congrats Pritchard! Well deserved.

Congrats Pritchard!

Congratulations Pritchard!

Well done Pritchard