Badge (George S. Lebedev)

2Lt. Wright said:

One of the toughest job’s within the 29th would undoubtedly being a DI, every two weeks these DI’s have to give an hour an night for five days helping need recruits understand the complex nature of the 29th. These DI’s get close to no praise or thanks for their effort and time, so it takes a special individual to be one and to stick at it for so long. One person has been doing this for sometime and that would Sgt. Lebedev, for over a year now, he gives five hour every other week to run the Training Platoons and with his efforts I am happy to be presenting him with his DI Badge. Well done.>

Thank you, and to all DI and ADI, for your work!

Absolutely well deserved, congratulations my friend

That’s what real Sgt. should wear on his uniform. Congratulations :saluting_face:

Nice! Well earned Sgt.! Congratulations!