Badge (Lucas W. Pinto)

Sgt. Dott said:

Legends tell of a being which haunts the forests of Arma. A rustle here, a rock overturned there. Faint sounds are the only warning before the phantom strikes. Maybe it’s just your ears playing a trick on you, or perhaps you’re about to meet your end. What do they call this beast, this monster, which strikes fear into the hearts of any person foolish enough to find themselves within its grasp? What is the ungodly name of this horror which stalks the Earth, only satisfied by the blood and suffering of its unfortunate victims?! . . . T/5 Pinto. And while “unspeakable nightmare” isn’t an AIT in the 29th, rifleman is. Therefore, it is only fitting that T/5 Pinto is awarded his Rifleman Sharpshooter Badge. Congratulations, T/5.


Congrats T/5!

Very nice T/5!
Congratulations and we’re glad you’re on our side (on scrims)

Well earned T/5! Keep up the crack shooting!


Congrats T/5!!