Enlistment - Rec. Bailey

Read the enlistment details at:


Pending HQ Approval

Hey Recruit,

Great to see you have enlisted for the 29th Infantry Division. In our unit, would you like to go by Pvt. Bailey or Pvt. D. Bailey?

Lastly, what does the D stand for? When assignments and awards are done, we will use soldier’s full names, if you could please let me know ASAP so we can process you.

Best Regards,
Technician, 5th Grade Luke Grissom


Senior Enlistment Clerk

Hey Grissom,

Thanks for your reply.

I would like to pull out of enlisting for 29th ID.

I do apologize.


Enlistment withdrawn.

Good luck with your future.
Best Regards,
Technician, 5th Grade Luke Grissom


Senior Enlistment Clerk