Enlistment - Rec. Bishop

Read the enlistment details at:



Before proceeding with my enlistment. I would like to know what times are your usual play times for ARMA 3 & Squad. I could not find this information anywhere.

Thank you

Hello Recruit Bishop,

It is not possible to enlist with both Squad and ARMA3. You have to choose one of them, as that will be your permanent squad that you will be in.

That is not to say that you cannot guest the other one, if you are to enlist with ARMA and wish to guest Squad.

As for the times, the Squad drills are 2x/week and the days depend on which squad you will be assigned to. We have drills from Sunday to Thursday. For Arma, there are drills at 3PM EST and 9PM EST time.

For Squad there multiples times: 3PM EST, 9PM EST, 10PM EST.

If you wish to proceed, you will have to use the name N. Bishop as we already have someone in the unit with the last name Bishop.

Let me know if you wish to proceed

Thank you for the clarification PFC Osaka,

I wish to withdraw with my enlistment and deactivate my account. Unfortunately none of those times are possible for me.

Thank you.

Withdrawn at Recruit’s request.