Enlistment - Rec. Montell

Read the enlistment details at:


Hello Recruit @Montell ,

We currently have someone in the unit with your last name.
However to distinguish you from them, you must use a prefix, this will mean that you will go by M.Montell.

If you accept then we will process you by this name but if you do not want to use a prefix then you can change your last name as long as it’s realistic and not taken.

yes that’s fine.

Hello Recruit @Montell ,

While we can assign you to our next GMT BCT it does not run until May 19th through May 23rd at 2PM EST.
Alternatively, there is an EST BCT which would run May 12th through May 16th at 7PM EST.
Please respond here with your preference so we can continue processing your enlistment.

Let’s do the 19th at 2pm EST. :crown: :face_exhaling: :wave:




Thank you for enlisting with the 29th Infantry Division. Your application has been accepted and the next step in becoming a member is to complete Basic Combat Training.

Your Basic Combat Training (BCT) Schedule:


29th Infantry Division [BCT Server] (




Sunday, May 19th, to Thursday, May 23rd, each night at 2pm EST

While we understand if you have to miss a training session, your attendance is a significant factor in graduating BCT.

If you do not understand time zones well, here is a link to a time zone converter, the link already has a preset EST and GMT time zone depending on what link you’ll click. To find the time difference click, ‘Add another city or time zone’ and type in a city near you that shares your time zone and add it. For example if I picked Los Angeles, which is a city on the west coast of America, I can see something scheduled at 7pm EST happening at 4pm PDT.

This is the EST link , this is the GMT link

Your Enlistment Liaison will invite you to the Steam Group of the TP to receive reminders before your training starts.

Before you do anything, read the Recruit Handbook to learn what you will need to know to pass BCT. It also contains the basic 29th rules, Frequently Asked Questions, and a guide on how to set your in-game name properly.

You may change your in-game name to Pvt. M.Montell [29th 2073]

By enlisting with us you accept our Exclusivity Policy that states you will not participate in any other groups that play the following games: Arma 3/Arma 2/Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm/Rising Storm 2: Vietnam/Red Orchestra/Darkest Hour/Day of Defeat/Day of Defeat: Source/Squad.

Reply to this enlistment thread stating simply ‘Checking In’.

This will let us know you are aware of your schedule so that we can put you on the training roster.

Your assigned Enlistment Liaison is PFC Pritchard. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to them via their steam or forums profile linked below.

Enlistment Liaisons

Greenwich Mean Time Contacts

PFC Turki: Steam Profile | Send a Private Message

PFC Pritchard: Steam Profile | Send a Private Message

Please keep active on our server and forums, and good luck in basic combat training.



T/5 Cooper

29th Infantry Division
Lighthouse Corps
Enlistment Clerk

Checking In