EP4 vs 44th RAR [Official Scrim - 20th of April 2024]


Official Awards for Meritorious Service Before and During EP4’s Deployment

April 20th 2024

First Lieutenant Christian Runing

First Lieutenant Christian Runing has participated in their third official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 2nd Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal. In addition 1Lt, Runing will receive the Legion of Merit for leading EP4 to victory in an official scrimmage.

Sergeant Major Ross M. Dethfield

Sgt. Maj. Dethfield went to every scrim prep save one. He provided important insights on how to properly implement the scrim format and aided in the development of EP4s fledgling crewmen. Critically, The Sgt. Maj. noted EP4 struggled with the OPFOR component of scrim preparations: EP4 team lead for opposition forces played it as a 29th versus 29th event. Sgt. Major Dethfield stepped up to lead OPFOR moving forward and provided EP4 with a vast array of potential variants from the opposition. As a result, very little that occurred in the scrim was a surprise to EP4. His support played an important role in forming the scrim’s outcome. This deserves recognition. Sgt. Maj. Dethfield is with this awarded the Soldier’s Medal

Master Sergeant Linus R. Bagge

Master Sergeant Linus R. Bagge has participated in their fourth official scrimmage. For being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Sergeant Furkan Akbulut

Sergeant Furkan Akbulut has participated in their third official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 2nd Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Sergeant Jergul A. Jergulson

Sergeant Jergul A. Jergulson has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Sergeant George S. Lebedev

Sergeant George S. Lebedev has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Sergeant Tim N. Steinbarth

Sergeant Tim N. Steinbarth has participated in their second official scrimmage. For being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Corporal Tyrone S. Blackburn

Corporal Tyrone S. Blackburn has participated in their third official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 2nd Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Corporal Simon M. Bærentzen

Corporal Simon M. Bærentzen has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Corporal Stijn Hapers

Corporal Stijn Hapers has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Corporal Oisín Moore

Corporal Oisín Moore has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Corporal Hiems Winter

Corporal Hiems Winter has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Technician, 5th Grade Olaf A. Baron

Technician, 5th Grade Olaf A. Baron has participated in their fourth official scrimmage. For being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Technician, 5th Grade Patryk Borkowski

Technician, 5th Grade Patryk Borkowski has participated in their third official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 2nd Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Technician, 5th Grade Igor Cooper

Technician, 5th Grade Igor Cooper has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Technician, 5th Grade Thomas Lorne

Technician, 5th Grade Thomas Lorne has participated in their fourth official scrimmage. For being a part of an attack round in a scrimmage in which it was a victory he will receive the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal.

Private, First Class Antonio S. Alvaro

Private, First Class Antonio S. Alvaro has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Bram Hapers

Private, First Class Bram Hapers has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Natan Blackwood

Private, First Class Natan Blackwood has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Leon Buckner

Private, First Class Leon Buckner has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Robert V. Cheek

Private, First Class Robert V. Cheek has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Munir Ghazali

Private, First Class Munir Ghazali has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of defense round round in a scrimmage in which it was a victory he will receive the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

Private, First Class Jonathan D. Gray

Private, First Class Jonathan D. Gray has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Lukáš Lachman

Private, First Class Lukáš Lachman has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Enrique A. Melero

Private, First Class Enrique A. Melero has participated in their second official scrimmage. For being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Evert Montell

Private, First Class Evert Montell has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Jan Novotný

Private, First Class Jan Novotný has participated in their second official scrimmage. For being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Valentin Osaka

Private, First Class Valentin Osaka has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Emyr M. Pritchard

Private, First Class Emyr M. Pritchard has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Ram Rasmusson

Private, First Class Ram Rasmusson has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Joseph Sadawi

Private, First Class Joseph Sadawi has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Seba S. Salaj

Private, First Class Seba S. Salaj has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Shnjonik S. Shniderman

Private, First Class Shnjonik S. Shniderman has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Elisabeth V. Spark

Private, First Class Elisabeth V. Spark has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private, First Class Saad Turki

Private, First Class Saad Turki has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

On the 20th of April, during a scrim against the 44th, PFC Turki demonstrated exemplary rifleman skills. He initially played a scouting role, giving precise and accurate callouts, suppressing enemies, and assisting teammates in falling back. Later, he was ordered to defend a 2x2 ammo dump, where he continued to provide accurate callouts. As the defense dwindled to only three defenders against seven attackers, PFC Turki’s true skills and expertise shone. Positioned on the north side of the OBJ building, he promptly flanked and eliminated one attacker who was pushing. He then rotated to cover the southeastern entrance, where he killed another attacker. Afterward, he fell back to cover the direct entrance to the OBJ, calling out multiple enemies with deadly accuracy, leading to their elimination by the remaining defenders. When the attacking tank advanced into the OBJ building after losing their infantry, PFC Turki diverted the tank’s attention, enabling his teammates to rotate and eliminate a dismounted crewman. He then rotated west and held the southwestern entrance, cutting down the last two remaining attackers. PFC Turki’s deadly accuracy with callouts and near-perfect rotations ultimately led to the defenders’ victory.

Private, First Class Viktor K. Ivanov

Private, First Class Viktor K. Ivanov has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Private Alicia Aquila

Private Alicia Aquila has participated in their first official scrimmage and is therefore eligible for his Combat Infantry Badge, 1st Award, for being a part of a two round scrimmage in which both rounds were a victory they will receive the World War II Victory Medal.

Cpl. Garrick L. Roland
Cpl. Roland advised me after the scrim was announced that he would make himself available to attend scrim prep with our squad and our platoon as often as possible and given such has attended 15/17 scrim preps during the period.
His tireless dedication was not awarded with scrim participation, but nonetheless he provided consistent and quality training to our platoon during the scrim prep period. Cpl. Roland consistently proved to be a worthy opponent as well as an excellent team mate, consistently attending drills to provide EP4 with the experience they required to prove successful come the scrim.

PFC Daniel V. Atanasov
PFC Atanasov displayed great flexibility during the preparation, willing and able to perform any and all orders he was instructed, even when such were outside of his usual modus operandi. His skill as a rifleman amongst his previously listed qualities proved to be an excellent practice ground for anyone on the opposing side of him, and even on the off chance he was put inside of a MATV Crows or TIGR did PFC Atanasov comply and perform to the best of his abilities with the hand he was dealt. His performance during drills was exemplary & befitting of a 29th member, and his eagerness to assist & apply himself during said drills despite his inability to attend shows me that he is for all intents and purposes a model soldier for a Good Conduct Medal.

Pvt. Simon G. Rydell

Pvt. Rydell has proven a worthy team mate and a worthy adversary to 29th forces and committed himself to training for the scrim even though he was aware he would not be able to attend. Not only did he go to the expected mandatory and bat drills, he also guested most other scrim prep drills despite knowing he would not attend the scrim. It is through these actions that Pvt. Rydell demonstrated his commitment to ensuring EP4 had the best possible outcome at the scrim consistently showing up to train with his squad and platoon mates.

Attack Round:
EP4 attacked from the west using a classic 29th line formation with vehicles in center behind an infantry screen. EP4S2 held the center. EP4S3 advanced in the north and EP4S1 pushed in the south. S3 was the first to engage the enemy pickets hidden in a northwest farmhouse. Precise GL and Tigr fire suppressed and dispatched isolated hostiles. In the south, S1 began clearing a forested area to secure the advance flank enroute to the first objective. S2 pushed slowly in the center in front of the T-72 and dealt with potential ambushers as they were called out. The opposition MATV sortied alone into the southern forest and inflicted significant losses on S1 before the vehicle and crew were taken down. EP4HQs 3-man reserve squad shifted to the south to reenforce S1s push forward. In the North, the hostile Abrams advanced to contact with S3, but flipped after making an emergency reverse into rocky terrain. As per its training, S3 avoided taking casualties while carefully maneuvering to finally eliminate the stricken AFV. A general advance was ordered once armored superiority was secured. Losses occurred mainly from a marksman nested on the factory roof who skillfully garnered a total of 12 kills. S3 supported the T-72 and enveloped around defenses from the North ending with tank fire taking out the ammo dump from the NE sand dunes. Remnants of S1 + HQ reserve secured the south to allow S2 to push directly in and take down the intel table to secure the attack round victory.
Defense Round:

The defense followed the same squad deployment outline as in the attack. EP4S3 and a marksman held the north. EP4S1 and a marksman was positioned in the South. EP4S2 was in the center-east dunes. Tank and M-ATV were placed in the center along with EP4HQ reserve squad (3 soldiers). It soon became clear EP4 faced a multi prong attack from the NW, W and S. In a high risk, high reward gambit, the defending Abrams shifted north to engage the T-72 once it was called out on the north-center road. Unfortunately, the T72 tracked the Abrams, then followed up with a precise ammo racking blow. The crew bailed out and fell back to the objectives on foot. EP4s CE’s attempted to deal with the T-72. They succeeded in dealing minor damage to the vehicle, but at a heavy cost. The 44th applied pressure from all sides and used its amour advantage to gain ground at high cost. The intel table was lost leaving a sole wounded attacker alive in the west. The remaining defenders traded losses with the attackers. In the endgame, a PFC, a crewman and the team leader defended the ammo dump from a T-72 and 4 infantrymen. A staunch and active defense forced the tank to expend its remaining ammunition. They then defeated remaining infantry and dismounted crewmen. This left two defenders on the field for an EP4 victory.

Well played and congrats!

Great work EP4, and those who helped with prep!

Congratulations EP4! o7

Congrats to everyone!

Well done lads, congratulations!

That was a really fun scrim, to many more! Thanks a lot and congratulations to all the attendees (and those who showed up to help during prep).

Nice work EP4, congrats to all!

Well done!

Congratulations to everyone! Had a lot of fun in this scrim, and was a pleasure to be against the guys of the 44th. Hope we repeat again!

Good on ya fellas!

I really enjoyed watching this on twitch, I could definatly see all the hard work that went into the training for this.

Excellent work, despite a few nail biting moments!