2Lt. Wright said:
It was only a short time after I joined the 29th I saw a weird person joining the unit by the name of SSgt. Steinbarth. He wasn’t a SSgt. at the time but for the first year I never got talking to him. He was in another squad and our paths never crossed. If you told me back then that he’ll be getting on a plane to come over and spend a summer in Ireland with me I wouldn’t believe you. There are many things I don’t believe about SSgt. Steinbarth, his ability to let me finish a sentence, his hurtful words about my height and good looks and his constant slick back hair but the things that should be believed he is one hell of SSgt. for EP1. He keeps the men in line and ensures quick and effective discipline is applied to everyone in EP1 and most importantly, I am proud to of gotten to meet him and call him my friend.