Four Years and Six Months of Service (Ludio G. de Freitas)

Cpl. Winston said:

The first and foremost impression that PFC de Freitas makes is an impressive assortment of 29th knowledge and experience which can only be gained through the many years that he has been a part of the unit. Furthermore, his ability to apply this knowledge towards Dog Company, despite no prior participation in the company, speaks volumes of his adaptability. And he further displays his adaptability through his in-game performance as a light AIT and as a rifleman, where he can always be depended on for his stellar performance. Another area in which PFC de Freitas has contributed is in his Lighthouse work as an Enlistment Liaison, a job he held previously and applied his past experience to perform exceptionally. Also, PFC de Freitas has applied his past experiences as an ASL to his aspirations of leading once again and displayed his readiness to improve upon his skills even further. And, since English exceeds the ability to display his importance in the squad, all that’s left to say is PFC de Freitas se destaca como um dos melhores PFC’s do pelotão e da unidade como um todo, DP2S1 nao seria o mesmo sem ele. Parabéns PFC de Freitas na sua Nona AOCC.


Ele não só é lembrado pela sua habilidade nata com a MG, mas também pela sua habilidade com a SMG, parabéns PFC Freitas o squad não seria o mesmo sem voce!

Congrats on 4.5 years, Freitas!

Si, muy bueno


Very cool, papas fritas

Congratulations to you, surviving Birdman.