Cpl Wolk said:
It’s been almost two years since Cpl. Kopáč joined the S2. Technically only me and PFC Ferry are longer here than him (technically PFC Belov as well, but with one day difference). So it’s fair to say that he is a core member and a solid part of the squad history. First as ASL, later on as the successor of Sgt. Duran. He is a good friend and always dedicated to his duties. What is more he’s a really skilful tactician with a lot of ideas in his pocket. And even an unpredictable microphone cannot stop him. I have a pleasure to work with Cpl. Kopáč for almost half a year as his ASL. I can definitely say he’s a good leader, not only for the squad but also as a submarine captain.
But don’t get the feeling that he’s related only to S2. He’s been in S4 and S1 before that. Many of you maybe even didn’t know that there was a S4 in the DP1. That’s because Cpl. Kopáč has been here for a quite long time. To be precise, for equal four years. So it’s time to congratulate him on his 8th Army of Occupation Medal and therefore 2nd World War 1 Victory Medal!