Honorable Discharge (Eric J. Curran)



This is to certify that

Eric J. Curran    FSgt.    Fox Co. HQ

was Honorably Discharged from the


on the 4th day of February 2025. This certificate is awarded

as a testimonial of Honest and Faithful Service

ARPC-OPM-ODATE: 4 February 2025


U.S. Army 29th Infantry Division, ATTN: AHRC-OP-S, 1 Reserve Way

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

SUBJECT: Unqualified Resignation

1.I hereby tender my unqualified resignation as an Enlisted Soldier in the

United States Army under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section III,

AR 135-175.

2.I understand that if my resignation is accepted I am entitled to an

honorable separation and will be furnished an Honorable Discharge

Certificate. I understand that I cannot resign if I am a statutory obligor.

Eric J. Curran
Name (Type or Print)
First SergeantSenior NCO Fox Company HQ
Rank Position Platoon/Squad

Ten years is a long time to dedicate to anything, and if we’re being technical, my journey started even earlier—back in 2011. Over the course of my active ten years in this unit, I’ve witnessed countless changes, some monumental. From the expansion of the unit into multiple games to the establishment of an entirely new battalion, it’s been a remarkable evolution.

I watched our esteemed Regiment Commander, Col. Wheatley, rise from being my first company CO to leading the entire unit. I saw the incredible ascent of my friend, CW5 Dethfield, who went from a humble squad leader to Commander of Second Battalion. I observed the whirlwind leadership of Major Fritz as CO, and personally experienced my own modest climb to Company SNCO of FOX.

But what will always stay with me is not the personal milestones, but the opportunity to mentor and guide the people under my leadership. I’ll never forget the day I helped a fresh PFC and new Combat Engineer learn how to aim an RPG-29 at a BTR in one of his first scrims, only to later see him evolve into the formidable Expert Badge-wearing Sgt. Logan. Or the quiet young lady I helped guide through the maze that is sniper training, T/4 Jess, who I consider the finest sniper this unit has ever seen. And then there’s the fresh Pvt. in my squad, who grew into my right hand and constant companion in FOX HQ—1Lt. Tremblay.

These individuals didn’t necessarily need my help to reach their full potential, but being a part of their journeys is one of my proudest achievements. Over the years, I’ve been shaped by so many amazing people, and I can’t wait to see where this unit goes next. I’ll be here, lurking in the shadows and waiting for the next opportunity to contribute when least expected.

Ever Forward.

Reason for leaving

Commander Signature
February 4 2025

Thank you for everything you’ve done for the unit, FSgt. We’re going to miss you dearly, please don’t be a stranger.

Ever Forward o7

Amazing bit of 29th history. Sad to see you go.

You’ll be missed. Good luck.

Good luck, FSgt.!

We’ll be here when you’ll come back!

Take care, FSgt. May life bring you all you need.

Come back soon, First Sarge.

Sad to see you go FSgt. Hope for a speedy return

Appreciative of the great memories from you being in the unit and teaching me the ways of the CE, and bullying me along the way until I earned that Expert Badge. I will for sure miss seeing you in our debriefs, and hearing that wonderful “dad voice” when you got upset :). Good luck FSgt! <3

Best of luck FSgt! Was glad to get to know you and work with you!