Honorable Discharge (Sean P. Quiles)



This is to certify that

Sean P. Quiles     First Lieutenant    EP2 HQ

was Honorably Discharged from the


on the 11th day of March 2025. This certificate is awarded

as a testimonial of Honest and Faithful Service

ARPC-OPM-ODATE: 11th March 2025


U.S. Army 29th Infantry Division, ATTN: AHRC-OP-S, 1 Reserve Way

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

SUBJECT: Unqualified Resignation

1.I hereby tender my unqualified resignation as an Enlisted Soldier in the

United States Army under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section III,

AR 135-175.

2.I understand that if my resignation is accepted I am entitled to an

honorable separation and will be furnished an Honorable Discharge

Certificate. I understand that I cannot resign if I am a statutory obligor.

Sean P. Quiles

Sean P. Quiles
Name (Type or Print)
First LieutenantPlatoon Leader EP2 HQ
Rank Position Platoon/Squad

I always knew that my departure from the 29th wouldn’t be *quite* so voluntary; in my case, it was a new job opportunity. It’s a weird feeling writing this; it felt far off in the future, and yet now it’s here. I never imagined myself staying as long as I have, or eventually leading a platoon. To me the 29th was never really about the drills, it was always about the friends made and relationships created. I’m glad to have met so many people from all walks of life, each imparting their wisdom onto me. The inside jokes, shared memes, and late nights will be the memories I take with me as I leave. Maj. Fritz, Cpt. Barclay, Cpt. Tremblay, 2Lt. McArdle, CW5 Dethfield, TSgt. Minor and the countless others I’ve interacted with over the last six years; thanks for the laughs, life lessons, and occasional lectures. You’ve all helped me not only to become a much more well-rounded individual but to also apply the skills and lessons I’ve learned here and apply them in my personal life. To the members of Second and Third Platoon, it has been an honor to have gotten to know you guys and led you into battle.

Ever Forward.

Reason for leaving

Commander Signature
11th March 2025

I’m extremely proud to say you were one of the first 29th members I ever met way back in BCT 4 years ago, and I’m equally as sad to see you go. Star Wars Battlefront II late at night with you was a great memory I’ll never forget. Ever Forward, don’t be a stranger o7

I’m gonna miss being your clerk 1Lt., one of the best AR’s in the platoon by a considerable margin :saluting_face:

More than 4,5 years ago I was recruited by one and only Sgt. Mortem, who later became 2Lt. and then 1Lt. Quiles. I have mad respect for inviting me to this community, which has basically become a part of my life, and I owe you a lot.

Good luck in your new opportunity and come back sometime to destroy us with your PKM or M240.

Ever forward! :saluting_face:

Hopefully that Sgt. Mortem guy comes back around :frowning:

:saluting_face: one last salute for you 1Lt

Ever the best going forward, LT!

Probably the biggest individual that made me want to go into leadership myself. Bad Riddance. Very bad riddance. Good luck in everything you do, 1Lt. May one day you find the time you can come back to us. :saluting_face:


Ever forward, 1Lt.

i cant stop crying

We’ll miss you!