Just Quotes

“Goddamn it Scovel you are running in circles” Cpl. J. Murray trying to shoot T/5 Scovel during warmup.

“I attribute the 29th to our breakup” - PFC Lopez

User joined your channel
Unknown: Inaudible squaking
Everyone else in the channel: “Diskeyn welcome!”

“I appreciate you abusing me Mr. Minor, that’s very fun” - Sgt. Greene

During a helicopter rescue drill, SSgt. Wimpf is flying Pvt. Roberts out of the battlefield.

Pvt. Roberts: “Land me daddy :)”
SSgt. Wimpf: “That’s SSgt. Daddy to you.”

Me explaining to Cpl. Taylor how I finally got paid my pay cheque of 700 dollars and telling him I’m going to buy a new game

T/5 Grissom: Yeah I finally got paid that 700
Cpl. Taylor: 700? I know just the Star Citizen ship for that

Incomprehensible screaming

PFC Frank: “MG south of Sgt. Zylath”

Mortar Drill; Doing calculations by hand

“This ruler is in kilometers… oh uh sorry METERS, kilometers is a Canadian thing.” - Sgt. Vos

Battalion Drill, on 11.09.2022, doing an open-field charge towards the defending positions of the enemy. People were crawling over one another.

PFC Cassano: I have PTSD: post traumatic SPACING disorder

Us talking about PFC Rasmusson’s brother:

Rasmusson: He’s playing Among Us, he’s a bit retarded

Rasmusson’s Estonian brother in the background: Shut the fuck up

Our entire squad cry-laughing immediately…

Us talking about MW2 2022

Cpl. Sablon : “fuck that, I want to see torture scenes”

Although difficult, leadership were able to assess some of the strengths of their new Privates.

Leadership spoke with Tom for apparently really making the grade.
Local papers were heard requesting whose shirt he’s wearing for the drill.
When live was called, it was his time to leave the capsule if he dared and dare he did!

"Leadership, this is Tom, I’m stepping through the door.
I’m floating in a most peculiar way and the stars look very different on this map." he said.

“Here I am, sitting in a metallic can far above the OBJ. Saigon is blue and there’s nothing I can do.” was his closing statement.

Unfortunately, Tom’s circuits faltered, something going terribly wrong, leading to the guests taking home an absolutely undisputed victory.

Can you hear me, Mr. Tom?

I hope you had a good laugh reading this Greeves-flavored rendition of Mr. Bowie’s odd adventures in space! :wink:

~ T/5 Greeves

After a Platoon drill where quite many team-kills happened because of the GL grenades and other explosives:

SL: Watch out next time with the explosives so they don’t team kill
PFC Alvaro (@SirLevihouye24): I don’t know… They are explosives, so they explode. I don’t have much control over that

Cpl. Barquest: Hey Sarge, can you run drills tonight? I know you want me to run squad drills but I can barely talk rn with this stupid respiratory illness going around in kamloops.
Me: Sure
Cpl. Barquest: :slight_smile:
Cpl. Barquest: I’ll name my children after you

Playing Wolfy:

@J_Murray “Listen, yes i am the werewolf but we could still kill Hapers.”

-Cpl. Pregent, right after triggering the IED strapped to my alive body.

Come here, thats an order

-Cpl. Pregent, the next round, chasing me, attempting to strap another IED to me.

@lee, putting the dog in Dog Company: “Bork…Bork”

“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum” - 2Lt. Deb

“British people, am I right?”

T/5 Grissom, notable British person

PFC Turki of our squad during the platoon drill yesterday.

Cpl. Jergulson: “Turki, you are shooting at me” As bullets pepper down around me
PFC Turki: “I know”