Just Quotes

“It’s a psyop and you fell for it. Militia E-girl psyop.”

-Cpl. Cassano

“I’m trying to beyblade out of here!” - SSgt. Meerts

“Cannibalism shouldn’t be a crime?” - WO1 Lord

@KNIFE after killing me and himself with a burst from a flamethrower:
“You’re always after my sweet butt. But tonight- tonight was taco night!”

Alright good try. Just kill yourself. -SSgt. Meerts

(In response to PFC Buchino being the last alive on the team whilst also being stuck in a tree.)

“Stop free nippin’ at my drill Sanzo!”
-Cpl. J. Murray

-Cpl. Capwell, impersonating a doorstop

“Oh yes please stick it into me!”
-Cpl. J. Murray being revived by a syrange in Squad 44

Me: “Are you pissing right now?”

“Jim Bean gets a demerit.”
-Sgt. Tilley

“Yeah, I’m a HUUUUUUUUGE tay-tay fan!” /s
-Cpl. Capwell telling me about his excitement for the upcoming Super Bowl


Sgt. Tilley - “Ugh, my internet is-”
<17:52:15> “Tilley” dropped (connection lost)

Sgt. Tilley: “Yeah my internet is-” User in your channel timed out

Sgt. Voth - “Bat believes he’s taken out the APC.”
Cpl. Capwell (audibly confused) - “With Bullets?.. Eh, I’ll stop questioning Bat.”

PFC Davis - Davis be like: - Clipped with Medal.tv

Cpl. J. Murray: “Alright on the count of three all you British people do your best Indubitably. 3, 2, 1”
Cpl. Martin, PFC Nad and Pvt. Quigley: “INDUBITABLY

Cpl. J. Murray: “I am a man possessed … I may or may not have a folder on my computer with 300 pictures of doors.”

Said whilst sending dozens of said hypothetical pictures to Cpl. Martin

PFC Hesse: “I blinked and everyone died… I’m gonna go in this tunnel and cry.”

Shortly after an almost full team wipe T/5 Scovel dispensed.

Playing DnD

Cpl. J. Murray: “I’m just a little goat boy!”