Sgt. Tilley said:
Congratulations to T/4 Chandonnet on earning his 19th AOCC, recognizing 9 years and 6 months of service. Yes, that’s a very long time. In fact, Chandon is among the most senior members of Dog Company in terms of time in service. He is well known by his squad mates as a laid back guy that can always laugh at a joke and is entrusted with leading our squad into battle as the point man. To others in the Company who don’t know him so well, they definitely know his name from its sheer legendary status, and more than likely have been on the receiving end of his SMG or sneaky tripwire traps on more than one occasion. His top notch work as our Company clerk is also to be admired, as he’s consistently set the bar very high for clerking. I think you would be very hard pressed to find a single person in the entire Company who doesn’t like or admire T/4 Chandonnet and his work. Congrats on 19, the big 20 for 10 years is up next, stay tuned!