One Year of Service (Ivo M. Gao)

Sgt. Tilley said:

PFC Gao is the “heart of the fire” for DP2S2. Any time he’s in a channel with you, you can be assured that he is going to lift you up in some way. His contributions to the squad are immense, especially in the realm of morale. His witty screenshots and encouraging messages to the squad are invaluable. PFC Gao is one of the members we as leadership specifically want to keep around, because the squad, platoon, and company would not be the same without him. Parabéns ao meu amigo PFC Gao, on your 2nd AOCC. We’re so happy to have you with us!

The squad wouldn’t be the same without you, Gao. Congrats!

Mais um brasileiro atinge a marca de um ano, parabéns PFC Gao!

Indeed the squad wouldn’t be the same without you. Happy to see this milestone and I hope to continue sharing many more experience with you!