One Year of Service (Simon M. Bærentzen)

Cpl. Hapers said:

We all have one of those show-offs in our squad, without them even trying. PFC Bærentzen is the EP1S2 showoff, he managed to get himself a Purple Heart before even getting his marksman badge with his AR. Besides that, he holds multiple staffing positions, and I have seen that he is looking to get even more… He joined the Squad Leadership Training program and many more things. PFC Bærentzen has always been a joy to have in the squad, both for his input but also his amazing clutches. Those clutches won’t get him a medal today, but it is his ability to stick around that will gain him his second AOCC. Congratulations PFC, Let us hope I can award you your third when you carry the T/5 rank.

Absolute AR legend.

what a dude

THE :goat:

I play Balders gate 3 with this lad, so yeah, I know him.

Never leave me

Congratulations Bærentzen!

Nerf this man

can OWI finally make an update to nerf this Dane???


Congrats on one year!