Promotion (Allen D. Fudge)

2Lt. Quiles said:

The earliest and fondest memory that I have of PFC Fudge is of him securing a point during the last match of EBOP. At that moment, it could not be questioned that PFC Fudge was a dedicated member. As time went on PFC Fudge continued to be a dedicated member of his squad as an excellent grenadier, and soon enough when the opportunity came to become a platoon clerk, he jumped right at it. Ever since then PFC Fudge has been hard at work pumping out paperwork and making sure that SSgt. Gibson and I are on time with ours. I think it suffices to say that that PFC is no longer a fitting rank for Fudge, and it’s about time he was promoted to Technician 5th Grade, Congratulations T/5 Fudge.



Know Ye, that reposing special trust and
confidence in the fidelity and abilities of

Allen D. Fudge       013455818      EP3S2

I do promote him to Technician, Fifth Grade in the


to rank as such from the 10th day of October 2021 .

You are charged to discharge carefully and diligently the duties of the grade to which promoted and to uphold the traditions and standards of the Army.

Effective with this promotion you are charged to execute diligently your special skills with a high degree of technical proficiency and to maintain standards of performance, moral courage and dedication to the Army which will serve as outstanding examples to your fellow soldiers. You are charged to observe and follow the orders and directions given by superiors acting according to the law, articles and rules governing the discipline of the Army. Your unfailing trust in superiors and loyalty to your peers will significantly contribute to the readiness and honor of the United States Army.

mmmmm, fudge :yum:
Congrats T/5!

Nice, great job T/5 Fudge!

fear this man for he is now a T/5

Congratulations T/5!