Promotion and Badges (Gabriel A. Canales)

Sgt. Hamilton said:

Every once in a while, us squad leaders are blessed with a private that goes above and beyond expectations. Recently for EP3S3, Pvt. Canales has been that guy. At first I was a little unsure if he would end up sticking around since he had to go on vacation pretty much straight out of BCT. But, he came back and right off the bat, Canales fit in to S3 and has solidified his place in the squad. Early on, it was easy to see that Pvt. Canales was skilled with his rifle, but, that hasn’t stopped him from constantly seeking to improve himself and the squad through guesting and picking up tips from more veteran players. Overall, Pvt. Canales has been great to have in the squad and is the type of private we all hope to have, but, he’s reached the point where private no longer seems fitting. Congratulations Canales on your EIB, RMB, and promotion to PFC!



Know Ye, that reposing special trust and
confidence in the fidelity and abilities of

Gabriel A. Canales       043352934       EP3S3

I do promote him to Private, First Class in the


to rank as such from the 1st day of November, 2022.

You are charged to discharge carefully and diligently the duties of the grade to which promoted and to uphold the traditions and standards of the Army.

Effective with this promotion you are charged to execute diligently your special skills with a high degree of technical proficiency and to maintain standards of performance, moral courage and dedication to the Army which will serve as outstanding examples to your fellow soldiers. You are charged to observe and follow the orders and directions given by superiors acting according to the law, articles and rules governing the discipline of the Army. Your unfailing trust in superiors and loyalty to your peers will significantly contribute to the readiness and honor of the United States Army.

Congratulations, PFC Canales!


Congratulations, PFC Canales! Well deserved!

Congratulations for the promotion, PFC Canales!

Congrats Canales!