FSgt. Bruneau said:
SSgt. Lord has been a fixture in Dog Company since they early days when there was only two platoons. He came just after the expansions into RS2. Lord immediately took to the 29th culture and within a few months was an SLT candidate and my assistant squad leader. It is here that I saw his leadership ability grow and got to work hand in hand with him. When it came time for me to move to platoon HQ I was in unequivocal support of him taking the SL role. This trend continued as Dog grew and matured. We needed more senior leaders so with each step I took up I trusted and expected him to do the same. It feels as though he has been my right hand man ever since day one. I couldn’t imagine going through this process without him. He has been a stalwart champion of the 29th NCO Corps through all of my time in the 29th leadership and an exemplar any SLT candidate could follow. With all of this trust and faith we have in him it seems only fair we adorn him with a rank that indicates all of this. As such, we are pleased to promote him to the rank of Technical Sergeant.
Know Ye, that reposing special trust and
confidence in the fidelity and abilities of
Connor E. Lord 093602971 DP3 HQ
I do promote him to Technical Sergeant in the
to rank as such from the 19th day of January 2025 .
You are charged to discharge carefully and diligently the duties of the grade to which promoted and to uphold the traditions and standards of the Army.
Effective with this promotion you are charged to execute diligently your special skills with a high degree of technical proficiency and to maintain standards of performance, moral courage and dedication to the Army which will serve as outstanding examples to your fellow soldiers. You are charged to observe and follow the orders and directions given by superiors acting according to the law, articles and rules governing the discipline of the Army. Your unfailing trust in superiors and loyalty to your peers will significantly contribute to the readiness and honor of the United States Army.