Promotion (Nathan M. MacNevin)

1Lt. Quiles said:

Good ol’ PFC Mackie first came to us from EP4 at the beginning of the year and since arriving in EP2 he quickly proved to be amongst the hardest-working members in Easy Company. In addition to doing all his tasks for SLT, he’s also taken on several jobs within the 29th, and on top of all this PFC MacNevin also took on the role of Assistant Squad Leader for EP2S3. Truly his work ethic is one we should all look up to. PFC MacNevin has proven himself to be a very capable leader and it’s about time we added another chevron to his uniform. Congratulations, Cpl. MacNevin.



Know Ye, that reposing special trust and
confidence in the fidelity and abilities of

Nathan M. MacNevin      76561199379377310      EP2S3

I do promote him to Corporal in the


to rank as such from the 4th day of December 2023 .

You are charged to discharge carefully and diligently the duties of the grade to which promoted and to uphold the traditions and standards of the Army.

Effective with this promotion you are charged to execute diligently your special skills with a high degree of technical proficiency and to maintain standards of performance, moral courage and dedication to the Army which will serve as outstanding examples to your fellow soldiers. You are charged to observe and follow the orders and directions given by superiors acting according to the law, articles and rules governing the discipline of the Army. Your unfailing trust in superiors and loyalty to your peers will significantly contribute to the readiness and honor of the United States Army.


Must be compensating for something…
Congrats, lil’ Mackie, on making it through!

Cpl. MacNevin :open_mouth: Congratulations!!!

Congratulations Cpl. MacNaval

Congrats, Corporal MacNevin! Absoluetly deserved!

Congrats Cpl MacNevin, I’m proud!

Congratulations, Cpl. MacNevin! Well deserved! EP4S1 ia proud of you!

Congratulations Corporal! Now you and Cpl.Moore finally get to remake the M&Ms club, but as corporals!

One of the best leaders and Canadians I’ve ever met. Congrats Cpl. MacNevin, truly deserved!

Congratulations Cpl, well deserved!

Congratz ma man, well deserved!

Congratulations, Cpl!

Congrats on the promotion!

Congratulations Cpl MacNevin, finally got that second stripe, fully deserved for all your hard work during SLT and all the time you dedicated towards being the best leader possible, absolute pleasure to go through SLT with

Congrats!! You have finally become a true big boy :pensive: