Seven Years and Six Months of Service (Robert H. Sanzotera)

Cpl. Frank said:

It has been yet another six months of PFC Sanz and all the joys and fun he brings DP3S1. PFC Sanz has not slowed down in any way with the 29th, continuing his crewman AIT and continuous guesting. Certainly one of my highlights this past six months was PFC Sanz’s incredible sneakiness in the jungle terrain as the last teammate alive. The enemy may hear him, but he can evade them by circling around rocks and trees. The good humor and spirits he brings to the squad is truly fantastic, and always improves my day with dry wit and funny puns. PFC Sanz’s best vehicle is any of the tanks followed by the loach. Watching the circle strafes and scouting from far below is another encouragement, especially in the same voice channel. His attendance is spectacular at 92% overall, and is probably synchronized to his local power grid! It has been great to have PFC Sanz for seven and a half years, and I am eager to see the quadruple rainbow in 6 months!


That is a crazy milestone. Congratulations Sanz!