Seven Years of Service (Eric J. Curran)

Maj. Fritz said:

TSgt. Curran has been exterminating heresy… I mean… spreading the gospel of the 29th for over seven years now. That’s surely worth something. In recognition of his time of service and zealotry, Battalion HQ is more than glad to give him his 14th AOCC. Congrats TSgt.

1Lt. Barclay said:

When you look at 7 years of service, you say WOW this guy has been here awhile and maybe a little old. Then you look and see that this old guy took off a few years. If he had not taken anytime off he would be at almost 11 years of service and would have received 22 AOCs, but since he took a like break in that time he will only be getting his 14 Army of Occupation Medal. Congratulation TSgt. Curran on a strong 7 years of service.

Congratulations on 7 years Technical Sergeant!

Glad to have you with us, Tsgt. Congrats!