Cpl. Pepper said:
Today, we are celebrating 1Lt. Deb’s massive 6-year milestone! It’s crazy to think back to the early days of DP2 before this man became a 1Lt. He was a brand-new private way back in 2018, and I was his ASL. When we started, I was unsure of him, but I had a feeling he would go far. I always thought he would make SL fairly quickly, but the path he took going from DP2S1 to leading his own squad in DP3, then later attending OCS and leading DP2 is incredible. This guy achieved all that in just over two years.
I’ve never doubted him, and when I decided to come back, DP2 was the place I knew I had to be. So today, we are celebrating his 3rd rainbow and 12th AOCC. Congratulations to you, 1Lt. Deb, and I hope we see you around for the next big milestone!