Superior Unit Citation (Easy Company)

The following Easy Squads have been recognized as being the best performing in their respective Platoons. Squads were ranked on their performance in drills, attendance to drills, dependability, morale, and a number of other factors. These squads have strong leadership that helps keep them stable and professional and pushes them to be at the forefront of the unit at all times and active members that hone their skills and build a true sense of family and team effort. While we recognize that all squads work hard and perform to the high standards set for them, the mentioned squads have distinguished themselves in every respect.

The following members of the following Easy Squads are receiving the Superior Unit Citation for their efforts. These members will wear the SUC on their jacket for the next six months, at which time the top squads will be re-evaluated and the SUC will potentially shift to another squad.

Cpl. L. Lachman Sgt. Greene Cpl. Roland Sgt. Boman
Cpl. Hensen Cpl. Horrill Cpl. Vilzom Cpl. Bærentzen
T/5 Lorne PFC Salisbury PFC Yao T/5 Cooper
PFC Apperley PFC Smith PFC Nard PFC Salaj
PFC Spoladore PFC Aoki PFC Zabin PFC Bengtsson
PFC Wallenberg PFC Shaffer PFC A. Black PFC Pritchard
PFC Rydell PFC Chuprina PFC M. Red PFC Khattak
PFC Drozdowski Pvt. Nechay PFC Guerrera Pvt. Charlton
Pvt. Brasche

Congratulations all!


Rise and shine 1S3.

Congratulations to everyone!

Congrats all, and especially good work; EP3S1. You guys have definitely been putting in the effort!