1Lt. Deb said:
When you reach the time and tenure as someone like Staff Sergeant Christopher C. Wimpfheimer, it becomes hard to keep writing fun and unique quotes. With this being the big one, a glorious ten years of service, I’ve let some other members of my squad leadership give quotes for their beloved SSgt. Wimpf. Let me be the first to say, congratulations SSgt. Wimpf on ten years of service, marking your 20th Army of Occupation Award. It’s been an honor running this platoon with you and I hope to continue doing so for a long time.
Sgt. Buckeye said:
SSgt. if someone asked what a “Back in Able” 29th member was like, all I would have to do is point em your way. You have been around for a long time, and have seen the change of units, the fall of some, the creation of others, and the coming and going of countless members. Honestly, that goes to show how a lot changes in 10 years, yet some things remain the same. That would be you, not only your steadfast presence but also your effort and dedication to Dog Company and the 29th. Well, that and your ever-increasing hour count in War Thunder. Honestly, 10 years is nothing short of impressive, no matter what you are celebrating 10 years for. That might be 10 years on the job, being married, years of sobriety, years out of prison, or even 10 years with the 29th. For the most part, 10 years seem to fly by pretty quickly. However, I’m sure in Dog years you feel like you’ve been around a lot longer. Congrats to 10 years old-timer and here is to 10 more of telling us “Back in Able” stories.
Cpl. Roy said:
SSgt. congratulations on 10 great years with the 29th ID! This is impressive amount of time and effort you have put in to achieve. Here’s to celebrating this milestone and looking forward to ten more years. Also, look forward to more “back in able” stories!
Cpl. Knife said:
“Don’t tell people how to do things; tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” -George S. Patton Jr.
SSgt. Wimpfheimer has set us all on the path to success with his steady and clear style of leadership. He is not one to micromanage as this is beneath him, instead, he inspires courage and gets results through his calm guidance and measured wisdom. His methods are the product of years of patience and of his vast experience. In his time, this platoon has both grown and matured under his reliable watch and he has truly demonstrated to us all how to be, “Dogs”.
Cpl. Pepper said:
SSgt. Wimpfheimer and I are among the original members of DP2, having been here since day one, all the way back on October 2nd, 2017. That’s nearly seven years now. When he first joined, we had a Platoon Commander, 2Lt. Brewer, whom I knew from my BP3 days. However, it soon became clear that he could not take that role. That’s when SSgt. Wimpfheimer stepped up and took on the role of WO1.
In that position, he led us through thick and thin, tackling countless challenges and growing pains that come with building a new platoon. He was at the forefront during our first scrim, where we received the now-legendary “/readyu” a phrase that’s echoed ever since, though only a few still around remember it. That scrim earned him a place among the select few NCOs to receive the Legion of Merit for successfully leading us to victory.
Afterward, we welcomed 2Lt. Och (now Cpt), SSgt. Wimpfheimer returned to his SSgt. rank. Yet, he remained a cornerstone of our platoon. As I got to know him better, I discovered he’s a cool guy who values his privacy, so if you’re hoping to get to know him through this quote, you’re out of luck!
Through it all, SSgt., you’ve always been there. Congratulations on 10 years, you old man. Here’s to another 10 in the Ruff and Readyu platoon!