Three Years of Service (Oskar G. Apperley)

Cpl. Dimitrov said:

Oh boy oh boy here we go again. I first met PFC Apperley in BCT, yet I wasn’t his DI, he was an ADI at the time and I was a Recruit. I’ve been quite literally alongside with him ever since then whether it’d be in drills, staff jobs or even the same squad now! He’s a great man to have around, though be careful as he is a master with his designated AIT; the CE. I could go on about his superb CE skills all day long but that’s not what we’re awarding him today, rather it is his time spent in the unit. Our loved British Combat Engineer has now been in the unit for 3 whole years. I have unfortunately not been here since he joined, but I’ve been here for over half of that time. Nevertheless, it’s a pleasure to have you around and to say you’re part of my squad PFC Apperley! As always it’s soup time and once again, congratulations on your 6th AoCC, here to many more to come!

It’s great having you around PFC Apperley, congratulations on this milestone. Excited for the many more years ahead!


Congratulations gent ! :slight_smile: