Two Years and Six Months of Service (Koa D. Andersen)

Cpl. Winston said:

In the last six months, I can safely say that PFC Andersen has come into his own. This can most especially be shown in the fact that PFC Andersen has entered SLT, in which PFC Anderssen has been excelling as both a leader and a member of DP2S1. Also, PFC Andersen has continued to display a vibrant personality that has readily established him as one of the backbones of morale in the squad, as oftentimes drills without PFC Andersen’s participation are much quieter and even seem to be a little duller without his presence. Furthermore, PFC Andersen has demonstrated remarkable improvements in his position as a combat engineer, as he is now as capable of hitting helicopters in the air as he is of wiping out multiple people at a time thanks to his RPG or thumper. Overall, PFC Andersen is an essential member of the squad both of his vibrant personality, engineer skills, and his aspirations as a leader. So congrats PFC Andersen on your 5th AOCC to mark 2 years and 6 months!