Two Years and Six Months of Service (Nicholas Caesar)

Cpl. Sarsfield said:

PFC Caesar has been in the 29th almost twice as long as I have and he may not yet have the rank to show it but he certainly has the reputation and the skill to back him up. When I was in FP1S3, T/5 Merrill always made it a note to take special care in dealing with our Junior Platoon sniper. Caesar may not say much when in a drill but when he does speak, everyone listens. With accurate fire and concise callouts, Caesar is one of the most lethal snipers in the unit, and I can safely say I am happy his scope is not looking for my head. Caesar is almost always at the mandatory drills but he also makes an effort to go to attend other drills too, a trait that certainly makes him well known in the 29th and not just in 1st Platoon. With 2 and a half years under his belt so far, it has been a pleasure to know Caesar and have him in S1 no less. I look forward to see who’s head will be next on his sniper trophy rack and I’m sure it will be a beauty when he makes his double Rainbow. Keep up the great work and Happy Head Hunting!